Before you were appointed by me. I will put forward several questions and hoped it was replied honestly and fully responsibility.

1. did you prepared you to in appointed became the management OSIS and MPK SMK/the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/Ma ******** Periode ********? ..... (yes sir. )
2. Could you do and continued the task as the management OSIS and MPK fully responsibility? ..... (yes sir).
3. Could you revere the good reputation of SMK/SMA/Ma, good in environment of the school and the community's environment.... (yes sir)

So imitated my words..


Ashadu alla ilaa ha illallah, wa asyhadu anna muhammadarrosululloh..

For the sake of Alloh we promise ...
1. Undertook my obligation against the Lord YME, Negara Kesatuan Republic Of Indonesia and Kepancasilaan.
2. Genuinely will carry out the task and our obligation as the Management OSIS and MPK SMK/the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/Ma ******** Periode ********, as well as possible and fully responsibility.
3. Could become the model for all the student in SMK/the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/Ma ********.
4. Was prepared to accept doubt if being not responsible, in carrying out the task and our obligation. After you said promised it is hoped Alloh blessing our step in the future .

The NARRATION of the OSIS INAUGURATION In Indonesia The NARRATION of the OSIS INAUGURATION  In Indonesia Reviewed by dobling on 11:04 PM Rating: 5

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